Sabuni and Partners is a Swedish private equity investment firm, founded in 2023 with a mission to make Nordic Equity Investments in Africa as easy and natural as possible. Our focus is on investing in small- and medium-sized companies in West and East Africa, specifically in the Everyday tech and food solutions (agri-tech) sectors.


At Sabuni & Partners, we navigate the complexities of emerging markets to discover investments with the brightest futures. We ensure our investments are well-placed for longevity by analyzing the political stability of each region. We leverage our deep understanding of African business practices for meaningful partnerships. Our finger on the pulse of market shifts enables us to anticipate trends and align with demand. We're dedicated to growth that respects both community and environment.

Join us as we explore and expand within the vibrant landscape of African enterprise.


Our Investment Focus

We specialize in catalyzing growth within the realms of "Everyday Tech" and "Food Solutions"

Local innovation, Global impact 

We back companies steered by vigorous local entrepreneurs who take an active role in their operations. We believe in empowering those who are deeply rooted in their communities and committed to fostering progress.

Emerging leaders - Scaleup

Our portfolio prioritizes scaleup businesses

Embracing Sustainability 

The businesses we invest in are not only champions in financial growth but also operate in harmony with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



In 2023, Sabuni & Partners screened 150 investment possibilities, narrowing down to 10 through virtual evaluation. After an on-sight evaluation in Kenya Mpost emerged as a standout. Mpost has patented digital addressing technology turning cell phone number into a formal postal address linked to a postal box. Emerging from the heart of African ingenuity, this enterprise provides a dynamic solution to an everyday challenge faced by many across the continent. Guided by Thomas Sonesson and spearheaded by CEO Twahir Mohamed, Mpost exemplifies our commitment to fostering scalable, impactful solutions.

Joe Frans

Executive director

In Nairobi, our team's adept use of social networks, amplified by Thomas Sonesson's widespread connections, led us to Roam Electric. The serendipitous connection through a Linköping University student revealed that a co-founder was closely linked to Thomas’s network. What began as a routine visit transformed into a strategic opportunity when we discovered Roam's need for a partner with strong Swedish and European ties. Sabuni & Partners bridged this gap, providing Roam with the local presence and international scope essential for their growth.

Thomas Sonesson

